Thursday, March 22, 2012

Brené Brown explores vulnerability, authenticity, courage and shame


This is real. 
This is what being alive is about. 
This is why I write this blog:
To learn this. 
To interrogate this. 
To understand this.

I randomly found Brené's talk this this morning, having mulled over these very ideas just last night. I have noticed that the Supreme Being has an extremely fast turn around time in answering my questions and queries about life; I tend to get my answers between an hour and a couple of days of having posed the question, or as more often tends to be the case, had a good whine about the pointlessness of life. Even arriving at the point of reflecting on vulnerability, authenticity and worthiness happened as the result of some highly compelling Jewish teachings I had been reading which I also randomly stumbled on a mere couple of hours after I was wondering how to be an excellent human being. 

So, in addition to what Brené shared, I guess my lesson for the day (or maybe just the morning as who knows what the rest of the day holds in store for me) is for goodness sake, think about stuff! Don't ever be afraid to ask questions. Lots of them. Big questions, little questions, stupid questions, embarrassing questions, questions you've asked before, look around you, pay attention and ask what stuff actually means. The answers will come. And when the answers come don't just sit on them, use them! As an analyst, this is how I make a living and as a human being this is how I make a life worth living.

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